Saturday, August 31, 2019

My First Day in College

My first day in College On August 27, 2012, I began my first day at Petrocelli College. The morning was sunny and warm. I was fill with anticipation. I met my best friend from high school, Nathalie, at the bus stop. We both wonder what our first day would be like. My first day in College was overwhelming because of the excitement, stress and future outlook. I experience excitement. A new beginning is always exciting. For example, I was becoming independent and responsible for making my own decisions.I now have to pay for my college expenses by a work study job. I was also excited to see some students from my high school. For instance, my friend Richard is in all my classes. In addition, I was enthusiastic to meet my new professors and learn about the subjects I was going to be studying throughout the semester. I also experience stress throughout the day. For example, the costs of the books and the bus fare for commuting. In other words, I didn’t have enough money to pay it. I was struggling making new friends. Related reading: Monash College MoodleI’m a shy person and when it comes to socializing I get stressed out. I was confused with my schedule; I had too much time between classes. I was thinking too much on what I was going to do on those long breaks. In addition, my future outlook became focused. For example, I realize attending College was the first step I was taking to accomplish my future goals. I enjoy math and want to become an accountant. Majoring in business and accounting would ensure that I will earn a well paying salary.Therefore, I would be able to financially help my family, and to begin studies to earn a master’s degree. In conclusion, the excitement, stress and future outlook made my first day in college overwhelming. Beginning a new chapter in life initiate my day with excitement. But the financial, social and academic stress disturbs me during the day. It wasn’t only my first day in college it was also my first step in becoming an accountant and pr eparing my future.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Why Should We Have Good Manners

The modern society consists of more people than it did in the past. These people are of various cultural, racial, religious and professional backgrounds. It therefore requires great powers of endurance and abilities of mixing with people. Good manners enable one to tolerate the disagreeable attitudes of others to a great extent. They also help to promote friendship among the people around. If one has good manners, that person is respected by those who associate with him or her. Having good manners, however, does not mean that being polite, understanding, and sympathetic when not only outside but also inside his or her home. There are many people who are very kind and polite to people outside their homes, but within their own homes they are worse than the devil himself. Such people do not really have good manners. Having good manners means being good to others. Our speech and habits as well as our behavior should not hurt the feelings of others or cause them any inconvenience. We should not also talk ill about others or boast about our achievements or personal possessions. We must not laugh at the weaknesses and failures of others. Further, if we are angry we must try to use words in such a way that others are not offended. If we have all these qualities, we will have more friends and well-wishers. We will also have less trouble from others, and those who associate with us will also learn how to behave well. In this way, our good manners will help to spread better understanding and good-will among others. Thus, we can live a happier life. It is for all these reasons that we should have good manners.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Childhood Obesity: Parents dilemma Essay

Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal discomforts are some of the many serious health effects that should be the nightmare we all avoid. So why it is that in today’s society we are faced with the alarming fact of half of our population being obese, which are the causative agents to these malicious health problems? It seems as if this is an ongoing problem that may never cease to exist. Why? If the quandary of obesity isn’t realized and address it would not be acknowledged as a problem, therefore it would not be corrected. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, child obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) at or above the 95 percentile to children of the same sex and age. Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat. A child is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight. The most common measure of obesity is the body mass index or BMI. Obesity is rapidly becoming a world wide epidemic, and is starting with our children. Stanford (2001) proposes that the escalation of obesity could be the greatest health threat the world will face in the 21st century. Stanford is highlighting that childhood obesity is a growing health dilemma with a deadly prospect, but who are to blame? In this world today the roles of parents are becoming more demanding than ever before. Our basic knowledge of a parent is one that guides and teaches how to live and survive in this complex world. They are the ones that influence and set out lessons to learn and morals to live by, they are the ones to protect you from harm and detour you from their previous mistakes. Becoming a parent one takes on endless responsibilities and countless blames. However, a parent is only human and can only take full responsibility for certain decisions and behaviors made by their child or children. According to Oxford, a child is defined as a young human being below the age of full development which is 18 and childhood is the period of being a child. Obesity is one of the many hefty misconceptions placed on parents, as we over look the alliance with genetics, environmental and psychological factors. Childhood obesity is in fact highly associated with genetics. A child is in its developmental stage; therefore, genetics plays an accommodating position in the development of obesity. Hills (2011) assume that â€Å"recent studies of genetic syndromes of obesity in rodents have provided insights in to the underlying mechanisms that may play a role in energy homoeostasis. In recent years, research has begun to identify human disorders of energy balance that arise from defects in these or related genes [42]. These mutations have been shown to result in morbid obesity in children without the developmental features that commonly accompany recognized syndromes of childhood obesity. Most children probably have some genetic predisposition to obesity, depending on their family history and ethnicity.† There is no denying that genetic alone is the cause for childhood obesity but it is a major fact that it is a large contributor to this chief health hazard. Harvard (2012) remarks â€Å"subsequent work on the relationship between the FTO gene, physical activity, and obesity yielded contradictory results. (16-18) To arrive at a more definitive answer, investigators recently combined and re-analyzed the data from 45 studies in adults and 9 studies in children—nearly 240,000 people in all. (19) They found that people who carried the obesity-promoting FTO gene variant had a 23 percent higher risk of obesity than those who did not.† Nonetheless, genetics is a contributing factor, and the reality of it is that it can be controlled by means of healthy eating habits and exercise regiments. However, why should parents be blamed for uncontrollably giving their child the â€Å"obesity curse† which was given to them? Determination of a healthy choice is not an easy one for a child when there are a variety of endless environmental factors that alter decision making. Children spend time away from their parents almost 50% of the time in a day which can be spent at school, child care and community environments, while parents meet the demands of world. The development of a child can be a very confusing one based on decision making. It is difficult for many children to make healthy food choices when the environment they are exposed to encourage great availability to high-energy-dense foods and sugar drinks. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stipulate, â€Å"a recent study among children showed that a high-energy-dense diet is associated with a higher risk for excess body fat during childhood. Sugar drinks are the largest source of added sugar and an important contributor of calories in the diets of children in the United States. High consumption of sugar drinks, which have few, if any, nutrients, has been associated with obesity. On a typical day, 80% of youth drink sugar drinks.† Today the schools provide students with vendor machines, school stores, canteens or snack bars lighted up like candy land where you can eat to your hearts content. Cafeterias and lunch programs are no different; Hoang Do Wendt (2009) explains a report by USDA in the School Nutrition Dietary Assessment Study shows that typical school lunches derive 35% of their energy from fat and 12% of their energy from saturated fat, which is higher than the recommended levels of 30% and 10% respectively (USDA 2001). Various lunch vendors and programs want to meet the satisfaction of their buyers, which are the children. Lehmann (2010) proposes that â€Å"even in the face of an obesity epidemic, cafeteria directors say they need the brand-name meals to keep their programs running. Schools and other food distributors are concerned with purchasing and distributing food that would be appealing to children. The choices made by most of the lunch vendors doesn’t exactly encourage healthy eating h abits, as their goal is to reinforce children’s taste for fast food for that golden dollar. In close relation to environmental factors, the additional causative agents of childhood obesity are psychological factors. The weight of depression, low self esteem, and social anxiety plays a major role in childhood obesity. Acceptance for a child, in relation to his or her peers places pressure on their mind and in their bodies. Lawson alleged that at the center of obesity-depression link is biology, notably the hormonal pathway known as the HPA axis. It is the route of communication between the hypothalamus, the peanut-sized part of the brain that governs parts of the nervous system, and the pituitary and adrenal glands, which secrete a variety of hormones, which work together to maintain chemical equilibrium when the body is under stress. The HPA axis is responsible for releasing cortisol, the so-called â€Å"stress hormone.† It plays a critical role in energy metabolism as well as other functions. The problem is, cortisol prompts the body to deposit fat around the abdome n, a pattern that is especially hazardous to health. Chronic stress also begets depression. â€Å"Obesity, depression and behavioral disorders have all been linked to abnormal functioning of the HPA axis,† says Mustillo. It is a fact that many children today battle depression due too many environmental stressor at home, school and friendships. Depression is coped many ways, however in relation to obesity, the comfort is found in food. This over loveable obsession for food in relation to depression contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle followed by an extension of psychological factors. Low self-esteem is also a contributing factor of obesity. When a child suffers from this disorder, what ever discussion, education, talk on caring for their body would travel through one ear and out the next. Eating may become a source of reassurance in reference to how they are feeling. Lawson discloses by acknowledging that there is an interaction between what’s outside your body and what’s inside. â€Å"Obesity carries a large social stigma and may bring on depression if it negatively affects self-esteem, body image or social mobility. It may even disrupt the normal hormonal pathways. Then again, depression may also bring on obesity, if a child lacks the energy to exercise or is immobilized by stress.† Dealing with social ills, social anxiety is one strongly associated with children and their social relationships. Children greatest fear in their psychological development is rejection from their peers. Some children shy away from the normality of having peers for different reasons. Many children are victims of bullying and social discrimination, for many, there only source of comfort is food. Martyn-Nemeth et al (2009) found that low self esteem is clearly associated with over eating and weight gain in adolescents. Many other studies indicate t hat overweight and obese children and adolescents have moderately lower self esteem than non obese peers. There are numerous types of psychological factors and they play with different approaches to obesity. In one study, 70% of obese children had at least one cardiovascular disease risk factor and 39% had two or more. It is heartrending to announce that there is a substantial amount of children affected by obesity today. We are all knowledgeable of health risks caused by obesity which includes physical and emotional dilemmas. These health risks can also create a shadow to follow children in adulthood. If children are overweight or obese, when in adulthood the affects are likely to be more severe. There are multiple factors in this occurrence of childhood obesity which makes food preferences and consumption questionable. Those factors does however, include parent influence and education. It is not denied that parents are totally out of being the causative agents of childhood obesity. They are however a massive contribution with this underlying problem, but we have to think out the box. Think about a thirteen year old girl entering puberty, whose parents love her unconditionally and her mother prepares all meals according to the national food guide, but yet still battles obesity. Are her parents overweight? What kinds of foods does she have access to at school? Is she suffering from depression or social neglect? One can’t look at an obese child and say I blame the parent. For all its worth that parent maybe the only struggling for help and answers. Obesity is a worldwide crisis, affecting millions of children from different ethnicities, cultures and religions. Does this mean that the millions of children affected, parents are to blame? Obesity can only be corrected by addressing all possible contributions to this dilemma. Therefore, the blame for childhood obesity needs to be lifted of the heads of parents and tackled by the world at large. Works Cited Fernando L. Vazquez and Angela Torres. Behavioral and Psychosocial Factors in Childhood Obesity. Hills, Andrew. â€Å"Genetics of Childhood Obesity.† Journal of Obesity 11 (2010) Lawson, Willow. The Obesity-Depression Link Philadelphia Lehmann, Deborah â€Å"Why School Cafeterias are Dishing Out Fast Foods† Intechopen Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Challenges and Opportunities of Emotional Literacy in Primary Essay

Challenges and Opportunities of Emotional Literacy in Primary Education - Essay Example I agree that it is all about helping children get in touch with their emotions, identify them and understand what a significant role they play in their personal growth and development, and teaching them steps to handle those emotions positively.   A major underlying factor to numerous of the problems in contemporary society is ignorance of the crucial role emotions play. Emotional literacy is a constructive preventive mechanism, which accurately understood, can help society in eliminating loads of its problems (Saarni, 1999). Once gained, it provides individuals with an alternative to illness, aggression, substance abuse, unhealthy relationships, and societal conflicts (Elias, Zins, Weissberg and Frey 1997); hence the need for emotional literacy education in early childhood. Understanding the notion of emotional literacy necessitates examining its two component constructs, ‘intelligence’ and ‘emotion’. The cognitive domain comprises such functions as reasoning, human memory, abstract thought, and judgment (Matthews, 2006). Emotions belong to the commonly named affective domain of mental performance, which comprises the emotions themselves, assessments, mood, and other feeling conditions, including energy or exhaustion (Matthews, 2006). Descriptions of emotional literacy should somehow link emotions with intelligence if the definitions of the two concepts are to be sustained (Sharp, 2001). For instance, motivation is personality’s third domain. It denotes ‘learned goal-seeking behavior’ (Matthew, 2006: 13) and biological drives. To the point that it is engaged in emotional literacy, it should be visualized as secondary (Matthew, 2006).  Ã‚  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Environments and Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environments and Organizations - Essay Example The art is in finding equilibrium between the two and that is the strategy. With this perception, strategist proceeds to find successful combinations of the organization/environment through strategy. This paradigm has been challenged by Smirchich and Stubbart (1985) who claim that current theories wrongly perceive that environments dictate strategies and that environments themselves are a creation of actions of organizations. They argue that all actions by all people in the organization contribute to the development of the environment. This is almost diagonally opposite thinking. They break the existing assumption that organization is entrenched in and confined to the environment. Ordinarily, strategists make imaginary linkages between events, objectives, and activities and create the environment. But for Smirchich and Stubbart both the environment and the organization are results of what they term as â€Å"enactment†. They support this radical thinking by stating that the soc ial interactions of the important members of the organization produce both the organization and the environment. This novel virtual framework simulates and creates the environment. Resultantly it is the patterns of activities that are labeled as organizations and environments and paves the way to find new strategies. It becomes the job of the strategist to find meaning and interpretations of these activities or enactments to determine strategies. The enactment theory decidedly discards the idea of a concrete, material organization/environment nexus and adopts a socially created symbolic world (Winch 1958). There is no such thing as an industry and it is the pattern of activities that end up as manufacturing or distribution.This gives rise to new methodologies of managing in the enacted world. The managers do not set objectives; rather they seek answers to questions like what to do and where to go. This creativity forms the strategy by thinking out of the box.

Should battered women be sent to prison for killing their abusers Research Proposal

Should battered women be sent to prison for killing their abusers - Research Proposal Example Therefore, the entire structure of the justice system changed and â€Å"police  officers,  prosecutors,  health  workers and  judges were encouraged to take action against intimate  abuse† (Dutton, 105). The changes in the justice system also gave rise to several challenges and here, a question arose that how battered women should be treated in the eyes of the law after killing their assaulters. The aim of this paper is to analyze the issue of battered women and sending them to prison if they murder their abusers. In order to understand the circumstances in which battered women kill their abusers, it is essential to understand the main features of a crime. In order to prove a crime, it is essential that the court determines whether the act was atrocious, against the law and illegitimate and was committed by the accused willingly, which would make him or her guilty (Jackson, 207). Research suggests that battered women develop mental disorders because of the abuse they experience. According to Jackson (221) , stress, depression, fear, anxiety and hopelessness are the most common psychological disorders found in these women. Furthermore, these women are most likely to experience chronic depression, which makes feel guilty (Dutton & Painter, 615). Furthermore, research suggests that sixty percent of these women remain with their abusive boyfriends or husbands and are unable to take any action because of their unstable mental condition. Research also suggests that these women are suicidal. Gillesp ie (100) suggests that more forty five percent of battered women are most likely to have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. As mentioned earlier, battered women are subjected to domestic violence and hence, they are most likely to suffer from psychological disorders, which may compel them to skill their assaulters after experiencing the abuse for a very long time. In order to define the psychological condition of battered women, the term

Monday, August 26, 2019

PR Paper contrast & compare on Twain & Thoreau Essay

PR Paper contrast & compare on Twain & Thoreau - Essay Example According to Thoreau in the book â€Å"Where I Lived, and What I Lived For,† the world is but a faà §ade that is ever being manipulated by the mass media and other personalities to suit their selfish interest. Just like the way the Germany confederacy was in perpetually transformation before the war such that a German national could never tell at any given time its boundaries, ‘reality’ as we know it is also involved in an unending cycle of metamorphosis (Thoreau, 2006). Even the multiplicity of the so-called internal improvements is just but a faà §ade that only complicate life further. While Thoreau thinks that there is always an escape route from these lies camouflaged as realities and developments, a route that can enable a person to experience reality that is devoid of any manipulation, Mark Twain thinks that these kinds of lies camouflaging themselves as realities characterize our lives, at times even spicing it up and therefore indispensable in our lives. In fact, Thoreau idea of what we call reality in our daily life is something is a creation of a number of tools the prominence of them all being the mass media which continuously elongated itself the responsibility of shaping people opinion. According to Thoreau, even what we call progress in our daily life is just a creation of the mass media and therefore unrealistic. Contrary to Mark Twain, Thoreau believes that there is nothing that can be gained from this distortion of reality that surrounds our life. Thoreau even goes out of his way to blame the so-called reality by the mass media for wasting precious time that people can use to attend to serious things that adds value in their life. Mark Twain is of a different view. According to him the ‘reality’ that we perceive is only a faà §ade that disappears after some time, however, despite this act of disappearing it most importantly spice-up our life.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business Information Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Information Systems - Assignment Example ion that is linked to processes as well as responsible for providing business administration a 360-degree vision all through the distributed company departments of the bank. To opt for this business intelligence platform from business Objects was the logical alternatives to facilitate and expand the worth as well as importance of bank’s SAP deployment. The Business objective for the bank’s intelligence platform has the plan eristic to hold up together present and upcoming information requirements as well as it also authorizes bank’s executives by means of the information they require for developing day-to-day working and formulating effective decision for the bank. Bank of Ireland business Group deals with almost thousands of dealer demands into its collective services department every year plus well-organized administration of this data and information flow is quite necessary planned for its Acquire-to-Compensate procedures and practices. Implementation of a lat est ERP application proposed to develop efficiency; it has become apparent that better procedures and practices were enviable for moving as well as recovery of business invoices, plus the bank started out to the marketplace in order to find out new and innovative solution and efficient techniques (SoftCo Group Ltd., 2010), (Laguerre & Welsh, 2010), (SAP-2, 2010) and (Case Study). At the earlier SAP implementation in the Bank of Ireland, there were great opportunities and facilities to the additional and far effective development in business invoice management and accurate handling of business dealings. Formerly the business was functioning totally with manual methods planned for managing and handling business processes which are vital for the approval or required for a number of exceptions determined prior to processing. The major difficulties in the paper-based or manual procedures were becoming more and more difficult plus time-consuming. These incorporated processes which are missing, the troubles

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Traces of Modernism and Women Emancipation in The Yellow Wallpaper and Term Paper

Traces of Modernism and Women Emancipation in The Yellow Wallpaper and The Awakening - Term Paper Example According to the paper for the first time brought women out from the confines of their homes, where they were primarily responsible to serve as mere wives and mothers, to a larger reality, with provided them with a chance to carve an identity in the socio-economic domain. This led to many supporting developments like the dilution of the taboo associated with divorce and cohabitation, the advent of the Pill that gave women a decisive say in the sphere of their reproductive health and decisions, and a larger scope for women in the educational, career making and workforce related opportunities. However, these changes did not remain merely confined to the area of economic affairs and social status, but also greatly influenced the role ascribed to women in personal relationships. The women became more questioning of the issues like sexuality, marriage and motherhood. The short story The Yellow Wallpaper and the novel The Awakening to a great extent pertain to this altering stance of women in the interpersonal relationships and a changing approach of the women towards issues like domesticity, marriage and motherhood. This paper stresses that gilman masterfully uses her short story The Yellow Wallpaper to make reveling statements about the issues like feminism and womanhood. To do so, Gilman expertly leads the reader through the misery faced by a woman in the wake of her neurotic state, characterizing a mix of her mental state and her views pertaining to marriage and womanhood through her association with the yellow wallpaper in her bedroom.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Assignment two-Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Assignment two-Culture - Research Paper Example Because of faster evolution of the globalized trends, the consumers are getting increasingly aware of their needs and wants. It needs to be stated that the better and well developed connectivity is helping in the process of rapid dispersion of global trends to the emerging markets from the well established markets, thereby creating the opportunity for development of consumer demands. This increase in consumer demand is having a direct impact on the level of competition existing in the market place. Faced by growing domestic demands in the marketplace, companies with various homogenous kinds of product and services offerings which are located in various world markets are focusing to enter the new markets as they promote significant amount of business opportunity. It is important to state that because of the entrance of companies in new markets, the level of market competition has significantly increased. It is highly interesting to state that the rise in competition in the market plac e has created the demand for talented workers as well as significant job opportunities. Working class masses that have the necessary skills and experience that are needed for working in the competitive corporate environments and were previously residing in various rural and sub urban locations in multiple countries around the world are strongly migrating to the new cities. Because of this shift for jobs, people from various cultures, religion as well as varying personal faiths and beliefs are coming to the newer cities and taking the jobs in the business organizations present there. This automatically triggers diversity in regards to culture in the workplace. This research paper intends to focus on the theme of whether the cultural differences influence the human resource managemen

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Info Tech Essay Example for Free

Advantages and Disadvantages of Info Tech Essay 1.more time: I.T has made it possible for businesses to be open 24/7 all over the globe, making purchases from different countries easier and more also means that u can have goods delivered right to your doorstep with having to move a single muscle. 2.bridging the cultural gap: I.T has helped bridge the cultural gap by helping people from different cultures to communicate with one another, and allow the exchange of views and ideas.increasing the awareness and reducing prejudice. 3.communication:communication has become cheaper,quicker and more efficient. we can contact anyone in the word simply by sending them and email or using one of the social networks for almost an instantaneous response.the internet has opened up face to face direct communication from different parts of the world by video conferencing. disadvantages 1.unemployment: while I.T may have streamlined the business process it has also created job redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing. this means all the middle class jobs have been gotten rid of causing more people to loose their jobs 2.lack of job security: industry experts believe that the internet has made job security a big issue since technology keeps on changing everyday. this means that one has to be in a constant learning mode if he or she wishes to keep their job secure. 3.privacy: though I.T has made communication cheaper,faster and more convenient, it has also brought along some privacy issues.(eg. email hacking) people are now worried about their once private information  becoming puplic knowledge.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Costing Methods Paper Essay Example for Free

Costing Methods Paper Essay Variable and absorption costing methods are two different costing methods. Almost all successful companies in the world use both methods. Variable costing and absorption costing cannot be substituted for one another because both the systems have their own benefits and limitations (Accounting for management). This paper will complete and discuss exercise 19-17 in Wiley Plus: it will discuss the following questions: In this case, would it be better to use the variable or absorption costing method, and why? In this example Polk Company should use the absorption method, because the absorption only uses overhead that allocates to the 80,000 units sold. Whereas the variable method counts the fixed overhead as a period expense, the fixed overhead during this period is calculated on 95,000 units produced, when the absorption method is used. The variable method just calculates fixed overhead on 80,000 units sold. What are the benefits of the two methods? Both systems have their own benefits and limitations. The absorption method gives management information of product cost this is the main benefit of the absorption method. The benefit of the variable method is it gives an output the mimics the cash flow of the company. Which method would lead to the best decision when a competitor is submitting a lower bid for your product? The absorption method would be best although both methods are used, with variable costing expenses remains the same, and with the absorption method fixed production cost are period cost. Variable costing method helps with demand based pricing. References Accounting for management. (n.d.). Variable costing versus absorption costing. Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Coffee Shop Project Management

Coffee Shop Project Management Anas Alsalahat   Introduction The Petra Coffee Shop requires an elaborate project management plan. Through a detailed project plan, it will be possible for the business to be implemented and come to completion. The project plan will identify all the deliverables that will be required during the project development and implementation. Additionally, the plan will provide some alternatives that will enhance its achievement of the project if the identified process fails. For the success of the project, there is need to have all the required resources. The availability of the resources will enhance the seamless adoption of the new measures that will result in the full development of the Petra Coffee Shop. The work breakdown structure Number Task Start Date Finish Date Resource Project announcement and assignment 2/15/16 12/20/16 Budget, management, executive teams Petra Coffee shop meeting announcement 2/15/16 12/15/17 Departmental Petra Coffee shop meeting to make announcement for restructure/reorganization Employee evaluation and reassignment 2/21/16 3/21/16 Policy/member services with management and HR IT/ Configuration upgrade systems 2/15/16 3/18/16 Technical support, configuration, IT Interior decorating and staging new areas 3/1/16 3/15/16 Design and human resource Meet with stakeholders. Write project plan including communication, change 3/5/16 3/5/16 Executive department, stakeholders, management Management and risk management plans 2/25/16 3/25/16 Risk management Handover areas of accountability 2/16/16 5/16/16 Executive, management, HR, talent advisories Training update, certification, management, ready to implement new goals and objectives 2/15/16 12/15/16 Human resources New division/ departments created 2/17/16 12/17/16 Management, services teams, supervision Update project plans 12/1/16 12/1/16 Executive department, stakeholders, management Provide performance report 2/15/16 12/15/16 Department management Formalize the conclusion of project 12/28/16 12/15/16 Executive department, leadership team for organization project Budget meeting to confirm stats and budget 1/1/16 12/1/16 Executive department, leadership team for organization project New hire/ surveillance, training, reorganizing positions 1/1/16 12/1/16 Human resource and talent manager Department board update 2/1/16 12/1/16 Executive, department, leadership team for organization project. Revitalize project Petra Coffee shop meeting update 1/15/16 12/15/17 Overall Petra Coffee shop meeting all employees Put up security systems and measures 1/5/16 12/25/16 Security personnel and equipment Conducting environmental audit and assessment 12/2/16 12/18/16 Environmental specialist Put up mitigation and contingencies planning 1/1/16 12/6/17 Mitigation policies and plans, budget Analyze and evaluate project plan 12/2/16 12/27/16 Budget, additional equipment Grand re-opening for the Petra Coffee shop. 12/1/17 12/6/17 Project manager Risk management plan and Qualitative analysis Negligible Marginal Critical Catastrophic Certain High High Extreme Extreme Likely Moderate High High Extreme Possible Low Moderate High Extreme Unlikely Low Low Moderate Extreme Rare Low Low Moderate High The business. The risks are categorized into was, and one looks at how they impact on the firm. Some risks cause negligible effects to the operation of the Petra Coffee shop. These effects can be ignored, and the companies and the business will continue functioning just fine (McNeil et al, 2015). Marginal effects will call for the business to need to act though these risks can be ignored but not for extended periods of time. Lastly, critical risks call for the business to identify ways and measures that need to be identified and implemented for the success of the firm. On the other hand, its not a guarantee that these risks will occur. Therefore, they are categorized as certain, likely, possible, unlikely and rare (Haimes, 2015). Certain risks are the ones that the business is sure they will occur while the rare ones are the risks whose chances of happening are very small no matter their effects to the operations of the Petra Coffee Business. Risk identification and categorization Risk category Possible negative risk areas Possible positive risk areas Strategy Business performance Investor relations Communication of strategic direction set by board Joint venture management Planning Target setting, vision and goals New business opportunities Strategy development Management activity Human resources Remuneration and entitlements Workplace industrial relations Employee safety and health Employment practices Performance incentivisation Workers compensation Diversity Recruitment and retention Communication Skills availability, training and development Information technology Data security Service maintenance Sharing of classified information Data management Service delivery System development and new systems Data integrity Availability Marketing Image and reputation Customer service Obsolescence Competitive positioning Product liability New products Project management Research and development Trademarks pricing and costing Risk response planning There are various risks that the Petra Coffee Shop business will face during the project development process. These risks will need solid plans that will contribute to overcoming them that ensures they do not impact on the business negatively. First, careful planning and identification of alternatives. Through careful planning, it will be possible to identify the risks that face the business. The identification of risk will result to their anticipation (Aven, 2015). As such, the Petra Coffee Shop project management will determine the available alternatives that could be implemented if the main project fails. The implementation of the alternatives will facilitate the continuity of the project which will see the project come to an end successfully. Secondly, availability of finances avails sufficient resources; the project management will have enough financial base that will enable them to overcome most of the obstacles that will be anticipated along the way or the barriers that were just emergencies. The ability to have such resources makes it possible for the project to continue and come to an end (Aven, 2015). Additionally, financial resources facilitate the integration of the new alternatives that had been earlier identi fied. References Aven, T. (2015). Risk analysis. John Wiley Sons. Haimes, Y. Y. (2015). Risk modeling, assessment, and management. John Wiley Sons. McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative risk management: Concepts, techniques and tools. Princeton university press.

michael jordan :: essays research papers

In Jim Naughton’s book Taking To The Air, the main character is Michael Jordan. The book is Jordan’s life and talents. Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He was the fourth child and the youngest of three boys. Michael JoMichael Jordan was one of five children born to James and Delores Jordan. He was born February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn. The Jordans' felt that the streets of Brooklyn were unsafe to raise a young family of five children. Instead of trying to endure the streetrdan is by any measure, the most popularWhat is Basketball without Michael Jordan When someone says the name Michael Jordan, the first thing that might come to mind is basketball, Nike shoes, or Wheaties. Through the years Michael Jordan has proved time and time again that he is the greatest basketball player ever and by doing that heMichael Jordan: King of the Court   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I began my report I didn’t know much about Michael Jordan, but I did know that he was â€Å"undoubtedly the greatest player in the history of the NBA† (â€Å"Michael Air Jordan† 1). It seemed like every time I heard the word basketball I also heard the name Michael Michael Jordan   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Twenty-four seconds left on the shot clock. Fans in the Utah Jazz’s Arena (the Delta Center) sitting on the edge of their seats while Michael Jordan dribbles the ball down the floor; he does a killer crossover on Bryan Russell of the Utah Jazz. Michael pulls up for the game winniâ€Å"Michael Jordan is the best ever. There shouldn’t be any question in anyone’s mind. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. He broke the mold. There is no one remotely close to him, Nate Thurmond says. Look at all the finals, he always carried his team. He willed them to another title eaMICHAEL JORDAN: A MARKETER'S DREAM by Celeste Michaels Michael Jordan's retirement from the NBA came as a shock to the entire sports world. After winning an unprecedented third straight NBA title the man who many people touted as the greatest to ever play the game, not to mention king of all endovWhen someone says the name Michael Jordan, the first thing that comes to mind is basketball, The Chicago Bulls and Nike shoes.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Major Themes of the Koran Essay -- Islamic Arabic Religion Essays

Major Themes of the Koran I. NATURE AND PURPOSE OF THE KORAN This is the Book, in which there is no doubt, a guide for the God-fearing, who believe in the unseen and perform the prayer and spend of that which We have bestowed upon them, and who believe in that which is revealed unto thee [Muhammad] and that which was revealed before thee, and are certain of the Hereafter. [2:2-4] It is a glorious Koran, on a guarded tablet. [85:21-22] Lo! We have revealed it, a Koran in Arabic, that ye may understand. [12:2] This is naught else than a reminder and a lecture making plain, to warn whosoever liveth, and that the word may be fulfilled against the disbelievers. [37:69-70] This is indeed a noble Koran, in a Book kept hidden, which none touches save the purified, a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds. [61:77-80] We have coined for mankind in this Koran all kinds of similitudes, that haply they may reflect; a Lecture in Arabic, containing no crookedness, that haply they may ward off [evil.] [39:27-28] And when Our clear signs are recited to them, those who look not to encounter Us say, ‘Bring a Koran other than this, or alter it.’ Say: ‘It is not for me to alter it of my own accord. I follow nothing except what is revealed to me.’ [10:15] It is a Koran that We have divided, that thou may recite it unto mankind at intervals, and We have revealed it by [successive] revelations. Say: Believe therein or believe not. Lo! those who were given knowledge before it, when it is read unto them, fall down prostrate on their faces, adoring. [17:106-7] We have inspired in thee a Koran in Arabic, that thou mayest warn the mother-town and those around it, and mayest warn of a day of assembling whereof there is no ... is no God save the One God†¦The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a messenger, messengers the like of whom had passed away before him. And his mother was a saintly woman. [5:72-75] O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is one of them. Lo! God guideth not wrongdoing folk. [5:51] Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in God nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which God hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the religion of truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low. [9:29] †¦Slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. [9:5]

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Albania Essay -- essays research papers

Albania: The Development of a Developing Country Albania, a small country located in Southeastern Europe, is a nation that does not have a true identity – its people are Muslim and Christian, it is a country that is both and poor, it is as much urban as it is rural, and has evolved from monarchy to socialism and now to fledgling democracy. In other words, Albania and its people have seen it all. The extremes of Albanian society are vivid, and underlying tensions are evident. But Albania is not â€Å"another Yugoslavia† – there is no doubt that the internal environment of Albania has been and somewhat continues to be tense, although the breaking point has never been fully reached. Albania is a country with a fervently tense past (especially during the Cold War era), yet many people do not know about it, and few would be able to find the country on the map. Despite its beautiful during, its plentiful natural resources, and its extraordinary tradition of hospitality, Albania has always been â€Å"the most isolate d country in Europe and from World War II until very recently, one of the most isolated countries on earth† (â€Å"Real Adventures – Albania† 1). Amongst the booming economies of Europe, Albania is markedly poor, and is trying to make the difficult transition to a more modern open-market economy. In addition, the government is taking steps to encourage economic growth as well as trade. Albania, according to 2003 estimates, â€Å"has a GDP of $16.13 billion, with a per capita GDP of $4,500† (â€Å"Albania – CIA Factbook† 2) This is an improvement over the Cold War era, in which Albania’s economy was a complete disaster – still, however, Albania’s economy is considerably weak compared to its European neighbors. The economy is helped by â€Å"remittances from people abroad of $400-$600 million annually, mostly from Greece and Italy, and this money helps lower the sizable trade deficit† (â€Å"Real Adventures – Albania† 1). Agriculture, which accounts for half of Albania’s GDP, is frequently stifled because of recurring drought and the burden of having to modern ize their equipment and trying to make use of sparse land. What also complicates economic matters is that there have been severe energy shortages, and old-fashioned and highly inadequate infrastructure makes it difficult to attract large-scale foreign investment, which accounts for 18.7 % of Albania’s GDP (according to 2003 estimates... ...r† (Clunies 133). Homelessness and hunger are higher now than under the Communists Communications. Meanwhile, protests in Albania continued, leading to the removal of several hard-line Communists from the government and party Politburo.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Despite its isolation for decades and its ruling by a repressive regime that denied them their most elementary rights, the Albanians have undergone significant cultural, social, and economic transformations; they are no longer â€Å"a largely uneducated peasant education, characterized by a clan mentality, as often portrayed by the Western media† (Clunies 149). The majority of the Albanians evidently recognize that national reconciliation, a major aspect of the program of the Democratic Party, is the best way for the successful revival of their poverty-stricken country. Albania is endowed with considerable mineral resources and has a young, dynamic population, eager to join the rest of the world. Now as it enters the post dictatorship phase, it desperately needs the assistance and friendship of the outside world. Without that assistance, Albania’s fledgling democracy may be doomed for failure before it even begins to grow.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Homelessness in America Essay

Tonight alone, twenty-three percent of citizens in the United States will become homeless. Ninety-four percent of people living on the streets are single adults, four percent are part of families and two percent are unaccompanied runaway minors. The homeless shelters begin filling, therefore beginning to cause a slight problem, services in the shelters will worsen. The homeless are being slowing exiled from society, creating division in the social class structure between the low-income class and the homeless class (Homelessness in America). The homeless struggle in surviving economical and physically, and with the declining of useful services in the shelters due to the overcrowding, the homeless community is incapable of reestablishing in society. The homeless and the shelters require an increasing amount of useful services in order to assist homeless citizens’ into reentering society once again. The controversial idea for improving services amongst homeless shelters continues in turmoil. Society, excluding the homeless, views the homeless as wasteful citizens of the United States, again exiling them from society (A Nation in Denial: The Truth about Homelessness). They see them as good for nothing, drug addicted people who are too lazy to actually apply themselves and work. Many Americans feel this way towards homeless communities; however, many homeless are out on the streets due to loss of job, being non-financially stable, and due to mental and/or physical disabilities. Homeless people are view upon and discriminated against in such a negative fashion, abating homeless peoples chances of receiving the proper support in order to responsibly take action and reenter society as a working citizen (Homelessness: Whose problem is it?). Americans’ judging a single homeless person based on the America’s judgments’ of the homeless community is ignorant. I personally view each homeless people as an individual who needs assistance, needs the extra encouragement to be able to support them self, one who needs a higher quality of services provided for them in the shelters. If we, as a nation, help out the homeless shelters by giving them better services, each homeless citizen will be able to rejoin society and feel a sense of pride for themselves once and for all, if not, they will all die. Bettering the services in the shelters helps tremendously for the homeless community. Peoples’ largess allows encouragement to flow through the homeless citizens, thus setting up a plan  for them to rejoin society once and for all. Helping the homeless shelters helps the homeless, not only for themselves, but helps the nation. Assisting homeless people back into society allows for a larger working class, opens many different job opportunities and strengths the economy by making more money. Although hundreds of the millions of homeless people who want support in order to restart their lives, a great amount of the homeless do not want help, they do not want to rejoin society again, â€Å"I enjoy being homeless!† (Voices from the Street). The homeless refuse to enter society, having to work in order to better themselves. Only about fifteen percent of the homeless in the shelters feel this way because of their drug addiction. In fact, few homeless people are out on the streets due to drug addiction. They plan to gain sympathy from society by pleading for loose change, in which that loose change that they say is for a meal, is in fact used to support their drug addiction. Despite the percentage of homeless people who do not want help; this is why the shelters want greater services. The homeless who say they do not want help are the ones who need it the most and without the proper services, homelessness will continue to grow in astonishing numbers (Homeless Rates in U .S. Held Level Amid Recession). Homeless shelters should be able to have an upgrade of their services to help the homeless; otherwise, the homeless struggling in the streets will never be able to call a place their home. In America, homelessness is an increasing problem in our great nation. Each and every day, large amounts of citizens’ fall under the homeless class, over filling each homeless shelter the country has to offer. Not owning the proper services to help each homeless person in the shelters to be able to reenter society to better them continues the growing problem of homelessness. Why not offer the homeless better services? I believe that every shelter, in order to end homelessness, should obtain an upgrade of their services, but without the help of the nation, the homelessness issue will continue and the homeless will never have a chance to reestablish themselves in society again.

Friday, August 16, 2019

One fine example of which is religion Essay

Once again after years of oppression the natives savored freedom for the first time. However, one cannot deny the fact the three hundred years of colonization has brought about changes in society that until now is evident in the daily life of its Citizens. One fine example of which is Religion. The Spanish empire was indeed victorious in spreading the Catholic faith since as of the 2000 census, 87. 9% of its citizens claim to be Catholics. Churches that were built at the time of the Spaniards were maintained by the devotees and the church still holds power in society. Another by product of the colonization is the prevalent language which is Spanish. This is the most widely used language in Mexico and followed by English. Spanish has also taken different versions in the country. The language therefore is Localized which vary only in accents and tones. There are still parts of the country that uses their native language however it can’t be denied that almost the whole of Mexico is using Spanish as their primary language. Spanish Colonialism can also be observed in the names of its people. Since together with baptism the friars had given them new names, much of the population today have Spanish names. Example of which is Jose, Maria, Juan and etc. Further more; the population of Mexico is largely constituted of mixed blooded Spaniards who proudly carry with them Spanish names. The country has been branded as a Mestizo country wherein 60 to 70 percent of its population is composed of Mestizo. This is what three hundred years of colonialism did to the country. It has not only changed thief religion but their identity as well. Bibliography Almanac, World.Aztec People Today. USA: World Almanac Education Group, 2005. Anderson, J. O. â€Å"Pre-Hispanic Aztec Colorists El Palacio. † vol. 55 (1948). Anna, Timothy E. , The Fall of the Royal Government in Mexico City, Lincoln, NE. , University of Nebraska Press, 1978 MacLachlan, Colin M. , and Rodriquez O. , Jaime E. , The Forging of the Cosmic Race, A Reinterpretation of Colonial Mexico, Expanded Edition, University of California Press, Berkley and Los Angeles, California, 1990 Ruiz, Ramon Eduardo, Triumphs and Tragedy, a History of the Mexican People, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1992.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Electric Cars Are Going to Be the Future Essay

Nearly every household in America owns a gas powered vehicle, which pollutes our environment daily. Our society needs to consider furthering its knowledge and use of electric cars. Pollution of our environment must come to a halt in every situation possible in order to save the future of our atmosphere. I believe that the switch from gas-powered cars to electric cars is a very necessary and reasonable approach to save the environment. Several different car manufacturers have already began making efforts to adapt their vehicles to become more environmentally safe products. Although our country runs off oil and its proceeds, we can still attempt to make conversions that will lead to an overall positive impact on the United States. Making the switch to electric cars that run solely on renewable energy is a very wise economical and green decision. Our environment is long overdue for help in making it a better place for living in. The way we plan to make the environment better for living is by eliminating pollution altogether. The world annually emits approximately 8. 3 billion tons of carbon and about four billion tons will remain in the atmosphere for thousands of years. The switch to electric cars is an easy accomplishment because the technology is already at the tip of our hands. The United States will benefit a great deal after the switch from gasoline cars to electric cars is achieved. After learning the facts, the reasons are oblivious as to why electric cars are more efficient than hydrogen cars. The technology is already prepared for mass production. The negative environmental effects of production and driving the car are minimal. Manufacturers have already succeeded at innovating designs and specific features into the vehicles to assure the public’s satisfaction. With all of this in mind, it is vital to realize that the main goal of individual transportation is to enable people to get where they need to be when they need to be there. Ideally, there should be extremely limited environmental consequences when transporting in a perfect world, there would be none. Therefore, engineers and car manufacturers are not fixing the problem as a whole with their efforts to revolutionize automobiles, but every step forward counts. Instead of being content with the advancements, car manufacturers and engineers should continue to explore the world of environmentally safe opportunities to bring forward into the public eye. One of the most widely known alternatives to gasoline in America is hydrogen or biodiesel. Some might argue that hydrogen-powered or biodiesel-powered cars are more efficient than electric-powered cars, but they are not even close. Hydrogen cars are more expensive to fuel. The hydrogen car costs about three dollars per gallon, which totals around fifteen cents per mile, while the electric car pays in kilowatt-hours, which totals about two cents per mile. The average hydrogen car costs about one million dollars and the technology is just not there yet. It would cost excessively much to install hydrogen fueling stations and biodiesel pumps when it would be much easier and more reasonable to install a greater amount of electrical outlets across the world. Although, electric cars are more expensive to buy off the dealership lot they outperform the regular gasoline cars physically and economically. The electric car overall is cheaper to maintain, but unfortunately, after about ten years the lithium ion batteries start to drain out, but instead of buying a brand new car every so many years all you would have to do is replace the batteries. In the end, this will be a very good deal. The electric alternative technology is already here compared to other alternatives like ethanol, biodiesel, and hydrogen, yes, these are all great ideas, but the technology is just not readily available to us. Therefore, we should not even bother with these alternatives at all. Lastly, the gasoline cars that we use today waste power by constantly burning gas when the car is not in motion, whereas electric cars do not waste power when the car is not in motion.

Business Research Part

The fitness bands make is fairly ass for anyone with a weight loss or health goal to measure and track their exercise to include steps taken daily, and amount of energy and calories burned. N.B. has formed a team to research the accuracy and impact of wearing the fuel band. The primary benefit of the fuel band is intended to be to assist in helping consumers track their activity in order to lose weight. To ensure this is benefit is being achieved N.B. needs to show that as a person's activity level increases so does the number of calories they are burning. Hypothesis Statements 1 .The use of a fitness band to track activity will lead to increased activity (steps taken and distance covered) resulting in weight loss. 2. The accuracy of the fitness band will allow individuals a way to know the level of their daily output and input in order for them to reach their fitness goals. Research In preparing for this study there was a particular questions that guided the overall thinking. What i mpact does a fitness band have on a users overall general health? By displaying data concerning daily activity such as steps taken, distance covered, calories burned and hours slept can a user gain an wariness of their overall activity?With this is mind it is important to look back on the information that is currently available to us. There have been extensive studies conducted in this realm since the fitness band has emerged into the health and fitness industry. The team independently went out and reviewed this research to find what would be relevant to establishing this research plan. These range in review of the accuracy of the band on activity, the motivating factor it has on calorie counting, and the overall performance of the various bands on the market.In several of the articles it was evident that when aging walking activity fitness bands perform as desired. The Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports (2014) published a study where a sample of adults used fitness bands whi le walking on the treadmill at various speeds. Upon completion of the study it was deemed the no â€Å"significant differences were noted† between the fitness bands count and that of the observer counts, therefore a high level of inter-device reliability was present (Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports, 2014).Establishing that a fitness and has high reliability it accurately displaying activity solidified the choice of our dependent variable. Next we need establish that our independent variable were what we wanted to be based on the various other research out there. Mossier put forth a study in 2014 about the emerging importance technology would play in tracking activity (Mossier, 2014). The study discussed when a user accurately tracks activity and calorie intake it is an effective strategy for improved goal setting and overall health. This helped lead us in the direction of with increased awareness of activity does weight loss result?An article by Richards would say i t does but with modest results in short term use (Annals of Family Medicine, 2008). This article discussed the Cross- sectional studies show that individuals who walk more tend to be thinner than those who walk less. This does not mean, however, that the association between higher step counts and lower weight is causal or that encouraging sedentary individuals to increase step counts helps them lose weight. The study showed that 5 or more adult participants and at least 1 cohort enrolled in a pedometer-based walking intervention lasting at least 4 weeks.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Benetton baby Essay Example for Free

Benetton baby Essay Benetton baby was produced as a 1991 advertising campaign that also included images of a priest kissing a nun and coloured leaves floating in a sea of petrol. Although I would presume Benetton would be trying to show the beauty and goodness of the new born baby they claim â€Å"Benetton is not trying to emphasise the beauty a and goodness of its apparel, but rather is trying to capture the interest or people†¦ The objective is to brake through the barrier of indifference. † But I believe that the image is in anyway offensive or wrong. The image consists of a newborn baby trailing its umbilical cord, the baby is covered in blood, and two hands, presumably of a Doctor, are waiting to receive the child. This was created to appear on billboard so the shire size would make the image impossible to be missed. The background is white therefore the baby stands out. The logo is included to the left of the advertisement and is very small almost insignificant. The image is very clear and not edited in any way to make the situation more attractive I agree with the advertisement entirely. Although it is a strange way to advertise I have no objections. The image is very large and might not be what all people want to witness it but birth of babies are publicized on the television as entertainment or education in more graphic detail. Isn’t a baby being born â€Å"the most wonderful experience†? But people did however complain, the public disagreed strongly with this image â€Å"the poster†¦. Has attracted more than 800 complaints. † 800 is not a particularly large amount when in comparison with the millions that would have witness the advertisement. The complaints consisted of â€Å"the image is shocking and distasteful†¦ â€Å", â€Å"many children are reported to have found it disturbing†¦ â€Å"and objections regarding the â€Å"exploitative use of such an image to sell clothes. † All complaints where made to an advertising organisation called the ASA. The ‘Advertising Standards Authority’ began in 1962 by the advertising industry. The ASA practises a voluntary code of practice called ‘The British Code of Advertising and sales promotion practise. The code declares that all advertisements must be legal, decent honest and truthful. They must not be offensive or downgrade competitors they must not deliberately misinform. Benetton baby does break some of these rules. The first rule broken in some points of view is ‘decency’ â€Å"No advert should contain any matter that is likely to cause widespread offence†¦. â€Å"The advert may be offensive to a mother who recently had a miscarriage. As to a woman whose child has recently died or to a woman who cannot become a mother. Etc. however this information cant be held against Benetton as a second rule in the code states, â€Å"[t]he fact that a product may be found offensive by some people Is not†¦ a sufficient basis under the code for objecting an advertisement for it† therefore the advert is within its own rights. ‘Honesty’ â€Å"†¦. cause be easily grasped and clearly understood†¦ † the advertisement isn’t entirely clear. From the advertisement alone you are not able to grasp what exactly the clothing company is retailing. However the advertisement does not lead you to believe that the Benetton Company sells babies or anything else, for that matter. â€Å"Looking death in the face† An ad showing the image of a man dying of AIDS, surrounded by his family. The logo is present also but, as with the others, it is small and unimportant. The camera shot is very provocative, it is very close up. The dying man obviously and purposely is made to resemble Jesus this has been done by computer. The image almost makes you fell an intruder in the scene. This has led to furious debate about the limits of advertising. Benetton claims, â€Å"It was as if the reality of suffering only had dignity and moral value in the editorial section of a newspaper and lost all its ability to denounce and sensitize people when in `contagious’ contact with advertising. † Published by an English daily before its official presentation, the photo provoked a controversy that extended from Great Britain throughout the world. The AIDS ad may, however be seen by some as trying to profit from people’s pain rather than simply offending the more traditionalist members of society. One British AIDS charity agreed, while some American gay activists disagree, saying the advertisements gives the issue a higher public profile. The parents of the dying man may feel the same since, according to Benetton, they approved the company’s use of the photo. With this new project, Benetton has once again chosen to look reality in the face by embarking upon a social issue, as he did in previous campaigns that focused on war, Aids, discrimination and racism. Harshly attacked by some and internationally applauded by others, Benetton’s campaigns have managed to tear down the wall of indifference contributing at increasing the awareness of universal problems among world’s citizens. Both the advertisements, â€Å"Benettons baby† and â€Å"looking death in the face† Where concealed and eventually banned across the world. There is more to this than the old saying that all publicity is good publicity. Oliviero Toscani, Benetton’s â€Å"adman,† claims the campaigns are not designed to offend, but rather to â€Å"raise consciousness. † A more plausible interpretation is that Benetton is trying to sell sweaters to the young and hip and those who like to think of themselves in that way. What better means to appeal to them than by offending an older generation of their parents? 7th January 2000 – At the beginning of the new millennium, Benetton publicized the real faces of the prisoners on death row, without a future. Remorseful or unremorseful, smiling or sad, healthy or ill, they all are guilty in the eyes of the human law. Many have their arms crossed; one is shown reading the Bible. Almost all of them are looking directly at the camera, at you. These portraits of dozens of individuals sentenced to death are the results of Oliviero Toscani’s two years of work which he visited several American prisons. The campaign is about the death penalty this project aims at presentation to the public the reality of capital punishment, aiming to prevent people considering the death penalty as a distant matter, just something they might hear about on television. Toscani’s images intend to give back a human face to the prisoners on death row, to remind â€Å"respectable people who are always so sure they’re right†¦ † that these people are human Beings not virtual characters easily removed or secured with a simple click as with a game. The campaign appeared on billboards and on the pages of the major publishing companies around Europe, America and Asia in January 2000. Toscani spoke for the prisoners when he said, â€Å"that having killed has changed them forever, and for the worst. † Speedy Rice a writer, on behalf of the NACDl (National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers) who has contributed to the campaign by patiently contacting and negotiating with prisons’ Mr. Rice mentions that during 1999 there has been a huge rise in the number of executions in the United States. Of the 600 death sentences that were passed between 1976 and the end of the 20thcentury, approximately 100 executions were carried out in 1999. Benetton advertisements to me have a strong meaning, which differs from individual to individual. For some the adverts are merely indicating how ignorant the world is today. How people emphasise on looking a certain way and how they foresee others. To others they may be seen as a source of entertainment something to discuss on the train or to your local cab driver that will never silence. There are many other views but mine is this I agree entirely with the advertisements, although others wont. The ads are unique and contain moral issues that may keep the brain puzzled all day to find. As there has been such uproar in disagreement concerning the ads this has given Benetton a vast amount of free advertisement. I like all the adverts I have been analysing although I do prefer the â€Å"death row† images. These appeal to me a majority more as they have more of a moral message, and become challenging to comprehend the death penalty law. You are left asking yourself, â€Å"Do I agree with the death penalty? † All of the benetton advertisements caused great amounts of controversial disagreement. The three mentioned esspecialy, as to more than half the world they have no meaning, as to others they offend highly. Benetton baby. (2017, Jul 09).

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Museum of natural history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Museum of natural history - Essay Example An enormous component of my fascination with them is their use of sword like items which have great meaning to their culture. My specific choice of swords is the Phurba. Some say that they were in use during the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, over 2500 years ago, particularly in the indigenous communities of Tibet. Others speculate even earlier origins. Padmasambhava is credited with the invention of the phurba. During the struggle against the demons that were fighting the establishment of Buddhism in Tibet, he is said to have pulled out a peg from the tent of a non-believer and, using the peg to nail down evil spirits, consecrated the ground on which the Samye Monastery was established in the eighth century. This simple peg became the Phurba, an important tool of religious practice that is used to this day. The Khadga is known as the fire sword which is paired with phurba. The Bodhisattva Manjursi, who is the embodiment of wisdom, is shown wielding the symbol of enlightenment. The fire is used to destroy the darkness of ignorance by the fiery rays which burst from the end of the sword. Wisdom is the sword that slices away illusion and wisdom is the final symbol of awareness. The first cut of the sword of wisdom is the decisive one, which is the dawn of enlightenment.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Spreadsheet Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Spreadsheet Report - Essay Example A company’s income statement is perhaps more important because it shows whether or not the business has achieved or failed to achieve its primary objective-earning a ‘profit’ or ‘net income’ Initially, Paid-up capital of Rose, Aisha, John and David was  £2000 for the initial stock purchases in order to start their enterprise commercial activities which were received from Rose, Aisha, John and David as an equal shares of  £500 each partner. During the year 2007/08 the following financial transaction occurred. Although the enterprise has a good return on employed capital which is approximately thee time more than the capital employed, but the same time there is big difference between G.P margin and N.P margin which 33.76% (60.36%-26.60%) it means the enterprise bearing significant expenses as well the enterprise paid a big total of payable tax 1088.83 which is 17.5% of the profit before tax. In order to get the optimum profit margin the enterprise should reduce their expenses. Each of the partners Rose, Aisha, John and David had contributed and equal amount of share which is  £500 of the total paid –up capital with this connection all the profit of the enterprise will be distributed at the same ratio to all the partners as shown below: The total sales of the enterprise for the first year calculated as  £19297.10 but if the enterprise intended to increase its income by 20% from the first year with this intention the enterprise would have to increase its sales by  £3859.42 which would reach  £23156.52 for the year 2008/09. Therefore the enterprise would have to increase its purchases by 20% as like for the first year cost of goods sold was  £7650 so the enterprise will have to purchase the additional goods by 20% which will increase the expenditure by  £1530 and the total cost of goods sold will be amounted to  £9180.The whole budgeting scenario for the year ended 2008/09 is illustrated as below. By

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Csa study Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Csa - Case Study Example 1. Assessment There are many illnesses that could be happening with Bret but there are many preliminary tests that would have to be done. The first thing would be to check his vital signs. I would want to know his blood pressure to rule out high blood pressure because it could cause fatigue and weakness over time. I would also check to see whether he had been drinking enough water when he does sports because some of the weakness could be due to dehydration (Mayo Clinic). I would want to do an ultrasound on his legs to make sure that there were no blood clots or other challenges with his legs. I would also want to send him to an neurologist because the weakness in his legs may be early signs of multiple sclerosis (MS). Some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis are the fatigue, had tremors, and double vision (Merk Online Manual 2010). The challenge with is symptoms is that they could be one of many types of diseases and it would be important to narrow down the focus. I would also want to order an MRI to see if there are challenges in the brain or the muscles that are more physical. 2. Treatments The treatments would depend on what was found from the various tests. If it was MS, it is a treatable disease. Some of the treatments that may be used would be dependant on how the symptoms are working with Bret. There are Corticosteroids are used more often than other treatments. Also, Interferon Injections may be used in order to help delay the total disability of this issue. 3. Prognosis Many people who have MS live for a very long time and are able to maintain a lifestyle that stays healthy. Regular exercise is important and physical therapy can help maintain balance. Case Study 2 Corey is 14 years old and is an avid mountain biker. He has been riding with his friends every weekend. At one point in the current ride, he has decided to ride the Abyss trail because none of his friends have had the courage to ride it. As Corey was negotiating the last trail, he hit a roo t sideways with his bike and it spun out of control, flipping Corey backwards over a small ravine. He hit the back of his head on a rock outcrop and flipped over face down into pine needles. He jumped up, brushed himself off, and said he was okay. However, he had cracked his helmet and on the way home, he could not remember what happened or starting down the hill. His head was hurting and the boys noticed that the back of his head was bloody. Corey was very thirsty, drank a Mountain Dew quickly and threw up. His friends rush him to the hospital and his parents meet them there. Once his head and scalp are stitched he says that his head still hurts, but he does not feel that he will throw up. He knows what school he goes to, but he cannot recall starting down the hill before the accident. It is apparent that he has suffered a concussion because of the headache, nausea, and the amnesia about the traumatic event (Mayo Clinic 2011). I would tell the parents that they should watch him clo sely for the next couple of days because he may have had a head injury that we cannot see. I would have ordered an MRI for him to see whether there was anything else to be concerned about in this process. However, he could have some other challenges with dizziness or nausea in the next couple of days. I would tell them to bring him back if he had any other symptoms or if he seemed to be drowsy or more fatigued than normal. I would also tell them that if his speech begins to slur or he has other symptoms that are not

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Uk Music Retailers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Uk Music Retailers - Essay Example Just like in any other economy of the world, the UK economy also suffers from quite a number of challenges. Being an important component of the economy, the UK retailers have not been spared from the difficult moments that occasionally characterize the economy. Therefore, some traditional UK retailers such as music retailers who deal with the selling of music CD and VCD have been critically affected. In the past few years, some famous music retailers went bankrupt one after another. Cases in point include the Towers, KPS, and Virgin. Whilst some of the aforementioned retailers were troubled by the market changes, the likes of Find-CD, which is an online music company, were flourishing. According to findings of Traynor (2013) in his research, nearly 140 music retailers are prone to perilous economic period in the near future. A case in point is the HMV music retailer. HMV is credited for having been one of the longest-serving players in the music industry with a history of music retai ling for approximately 91 years.Unfortunately, trends in the recent years spell doom to its operations. Currently, the company no longer accepts gift card payment as well as it has stopped issuing new gift cards in over 200 of its retail stores worldwide. In addition, the London Stock Exchange decided to suspend HMV’s stock trading due to a persistent poor performance of its shares. In a bid to salvage the sorry situation, HMV has contracted Deloitte to investigate the possible solution as well as chart a way forward for the company.... In addition, the London Stock Exchange decided to suspend HMV’s stock trading due to persistent poor performance of its shares. In a bid to salvage the sorry situation, HMV has contracted Deloitte to investigate on the possible solution as well as chart a way forward for the company (Savov, 2013). In 2008, the UK largest music retailer Virgin Megastore faced a host of challenges. This company had stood in London Oxford Street for 18 years. After struggles with its finances and the changing fortunes in the industry, Virgin Megastore decided to sell its125 music retail stores to Zavvi Retailer. This is just but an example of the music retailers that have slowly been fading into oblivion in the UK. The other retailers include MVC, MUSIC ZONE, and FOPP. This closures and acquisition serve to signify the changing market fortunes in this industry. Despite the fact that Zavvi Retailer acquired stores from Virgin Megastore, the prospects of the business seem to be bleak and black. Thi s is because Entertainment UK (EUK), which is the major supplier of music records to Zavvi, has also been struggling to survive. 2. The service delivered by the retailers of music bear a number of characteristics that distinguishes them from goods. These characteristics include intangibility, inseparability, perishability, variability, inaccessibility. It is from this nature of services that the marketers of music face quite a number of challenges as they market the service to the customers. These challenges are as discussed below: Intangibility of music makes it difficult for the customers to ascertain the risk factors involved before they receive the

Friday, August 9, 2019

Satisfying Corporate Shareholders or the Stakeholder as Business Essay

Satisfying Corporate Shareholders or the Stakeholder as Business Priority - Essay Example Adam Smith, an 18th Century theorist, proposed his theory of the invisible hand, which essentially states that business’ thirst for profitability will automatically create positive environmental outcomes for society, hence satisfying corporate responsibility toward the betterment of society (Nickels, McHugh & McHugh, 2005). These outcomes include better economic stability for the region in which the firm operates, as well as providing new jobs and better quality products for citizens. When a firm moves its operations from domestic to the foreign, the outcomes, as measured by the invisible hand theory, would indeed be positive for the foreign nation in which the business thrives. However, moving operations out of the domestic environment, especially in times of national economic crisis, only serves to eliminate career positions for already-struggling citizens in the United States, thus corporate expectations for profitability tend to blind businesses from the needs of its poten tial local workforce. This topic is hotly debated today which is quite obvious in the media and with recent activities of striking workers who fight to ensure that jobs stay local by preventing foreign expansion efforts. Today, Adam Smith might attempt to quiet the barrage of social outcry regarding business shifting its operations overseas by stating that the business had, in some fashion, restored health to the local region while it was domestically in place. Thus, corporate proponents of Smith’s theory might suggest that business had performed ethically...

Customer Portfolio Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Customer Portfolio Management - Essay Example Customer preferences and customers’ attributes helps businesses to decide upon what products and services should be offered to the customer segment and how it should be marketed and priced so that it matches customers’ requirements and desires. This research paper would look into marketing concepts and theories, which helps businesses to build and maintain a customer portfolio. For this purpose, the researcher has gone through and understood various theories and research works to elaborate on the concept of customer portfolio management. Content of the Customer Portfolio The content of the customer portfolio enables managers to understand the business-to-business marketing strategies that can be utilized for assessing supplier-customer relationships. With this assessment, managers identify scarce resources of the organization and allocate them accordingly so that maximum profitability can be achieved (Sinha et al., 2002). The content of customer portfolios makes it easi er for managers to optimally compose customer relationships in order to determine, whether the company amongst members of the target market because of its customer relationship tactics or the competitive position of the organization (Ravenscraft, 1983). This is the reason, that customer portfolio management is considered as an integral part of an organization’s marketing functions. ... managing the line of products and brands, by aligning financial and budgetary resources with the resource allocation strategy and creating coordination between organizational teams to ensure implication of business, product and marketing strategy. The product portfolio management consists of taking care of a number of activities such as conducting market research to understand consumer dynamics, aligning key suppliers who will prove to be beneficial, determining marketing and distribution tactics and etc. On the other hand, customer portfolios makes it easier for managers to optimally compose customer relationships in order to determine, whether the company amongst members of the target market because of its customer relationship tactics or the competitive position of the organization. This is the reason, that customer portfolio management is considered as an integral part of an organization’s marketing functions (Sanchez, 2005). Strategic Accounting Management Strategic accou nting management is different from managing financial accounts of a business. Instead, these strategies are related with developing marketing systems that ensures that long-term relationships are maintained with strategic customers of the organization. These strategic customers might include organization’s suppliers of raw material and other vendors. Strategic accounting management is beneficial in a sense, that it helps the business to improve the quality of raw material used by maintaining healthy relationships with the suppliers and also reduces the cost of acquiring new strategic partners in the given marketplace. On the other hand, strategic accounting management also enables the organization to determine the specific needs of strategic customers and tailoring the products according to

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The product mix strategies that McDonalds has taken in the expansion Essay

The product mix strategies that McDonalds has taken in the expansion to the markets of the foreign countries - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in simplest language, international marketing can be defined as a process of planning and executing marketing mix strategies on a worldwide scale to take the advantage of the structural and operational differences between nations to benefit both the individuals and organizations. The product mix strategies include the product type, promotion strategies and price as well as distribution channels. With the advent of globalization, international marketing became an integral part of the firm’s growth strategy, primarily to increase the profit base and diversify the market risk associated with a concentrated local market. Globalization has also improved the demand from overseas customers, which is giving to be a lot of incentive to the firms to get lured into the foreign markets. The attitude of the governments in the recent times is fuelling the drive of globalization and multinationals. McDonald’s which is one of the leading American restaurant chains, founded in 1940 by Dick and Mac McDonald, has successfully expanded its business through franchising into countries across the continents. The successful company has a wide range of eatables to cope with the evolving taste of the customers. The quintessential product is hamburgers and cheeseburgers. The additional platters include chicken, French fries, breakfast essentials, soft drinks and desserts. The company began to witness worldwide growth and success when Ray Kroc joined the company as a franchise agent and bought the chain from the McDonald brothers. The company has been using its corporate logo since 1968. The boom of the fast food industry began from 1975 when fast food sales in America had soared to 900% from 1975 to mid-2000s. This provided a huge boost to the fast food restaurants to expand chains of outlets across the country. McDonald’s made the first move towards establishing a chain of fast food restaurants through franchising in the 1960s. It was the first restaurant to have introduced the concept of mass food production in the food business and become a market leader in paving the way food is to be marketed, distributed and sold. The fast-food industry also depends to a large extent on the supply chain for an adequate supply of raw materials. The tight integration of the agents implies that the growth of the fast-food sector chain has deeper resonance on the entire economy. Rationale for Internationalization Globalization has hugely increased the number of jobs and working hours in both the developing and developed countries. This implies that demand for quality fast food has also increased to a great extent owing to the young working professionals. The successful fast-food chains of the West saw this as a great opportunity to cash on such expansion. Since 1990s, the attitude of the government in the developing countries has been to reduce the market barriers and trade restrictions have made the process of internationalization more convenient process for the firms. Mode of Entry It has been observed from the experiences of the leading giants in the fast-food industry that out of the various methods of modes of entry, which includes exporting, licensing, Joint venture, Franchising, Strategic alliance and Subsidiaries (wholly owned or partly owned), fast food restaurants have actively considered franchising as the most convenient method. The experience of McDonald’s reflects the same strategy. Franchising is chosen as the most common mode of entry by the big businesses because the investment burden and the liability of the franchisor are greatly reduced owing to the franchise.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Portugal Essay Example for Free

Portugal Essay 1.0   Introduction This presentation provides an overview of geographical, historical and cultural aspects of the Portugal. This follows discusses on food patterns and food habits among the Portuguese, their typical meals and food etiquette, frequencies of dining and food taboos that do exist. Therapeutic effects of food eaten including wine and home or traditional remedies used that involve both food and herbs are keenly analyzed. Lastly, the major public holidays in Portugal are outlined and their associated meals that are served. 2.0   Geographical overview Portugal is situated at Southwest Europe; it is one of the westernmost countries in Europe. It borders Atlantic Oceans to the west and south. To the north and east it neighbors Spain. Portugal country covers an area of approximately 92,391 square kilometers. The land surface occupies approximately 91,951 squares kilometers with about ten million people. Portugal experiences maritime temperate type of climate. Its northern parts are cool and rainy while in the southern parts are warmer and little drier. Generally, it is one of the warmest European countries. The Portugal mainland is divided by river Tagus which is the main river in the country. It has a mountainous terrain to the north of Tagus River and gently rolling plains in the south (Lovel, 2008). 3.0   History and culture Portuguese is the official language used in the country. Also Mirandese language is used but locally. Portugal derived its name partly from Roman name ‘Cale’ and the city Porto.   The word Cale used to refer the region between river Douro and Minho. Cale actually referred to the early settlers at the mouth of river Douro. The word Cale or ‘Gal’ together with the city Porto formed the county’s name Portugal. In the early times, the land of Portugal was settled by Pre-Celts and Celts. Portugal managed to gain its independence after several conquests from invading kingdoms and claimed its present border. Later it held several explorations in the world that marked the Age of Discovery. Portuguese’s zeal for exploration was because of their long shoreline that presented a favorable environment of sailing skills, needs for accessing European markets and desire to make more conquests. By the end of firth century, Portuguese had explored regions as far as coast of Africa establishing many trading stations with various kingdoms. One of the most remarkable explorations is that of Vasco da Gama when he sailed through the Cape Town en route to India in 1498. In 1500 Portugal discovered Brazil and claimed to be its territory. Portuguese conquered several Asian nations of that time and became dominant in commerce around Indian Ocean and Atlantic regions. In 1st November 1755, Portugal capital city Lisbon was severely hit by earthquake that left thousands dead and part of the city destroyed. Also, in 1807 during the Napoleon war, French troops invaded Portugal for war that was called Peninsular war or French Invasion of Portugal that lasted close to a decade when British and Portuguese formed a coalition to flush out French troops. Portuguese dominance gradually started to decline especially when Brazil showed interest for independence. Brazil was Portugal’s largest colonial territory. By close of 19th Century, Portugal had lost control over South America and sought new territories in Africa. Portuguese Colonial rule in the world came to the end after their last overseas territory Macau gained its independence in 1999. Portugal was the founding member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which was established by signing of the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949 (Kyler, Brandin and Ethan, 2002). The culture   of the Portuguese traces it root to the time of   Roman and Moorish invasion .As it has been found , these invasions did left   some cultural elements   which that are seen   in archeological remains. Basically, Portuguese culture has been influenced the Latin, the Visigoth and the Muslim culture. According to the Portuguese culture family is considered to be the basic unit in the society. A kinship network tie is so knit such that two or more generations can live in the same house. Even when men and women move to the urban areas they try as much as possible to be in touch with their relatives back at home. Normally women stay at home while men move out to make for a living. Traditionally, father is the head of the house and the breadwinner and the mother takes care of the family. However, presently the role of man is not highly regarded as to that of women. Portuguese elders are highly respected. Family loyalty prevails more than any other social relationship or even business. Portuguese have high sense of formality especially when dealing with each other. However, they are traditional and conservative. Their culture is one that respects the hierarchy because both society and business is highly stratified. The conformity to hierarchical relationship is amplified by both the Catholic Church and the family structure. People have high respect of authority to a point that they look to those above them for guidance and decision making. They also regard appearance very much especially in the cities. For this reason, people strive to wear good fabrics and clothes they can afford (, 2008). Etiquette and customs are highly held with great care. In the first time contact, first greetings are reserved though polite, which take form of handshake accompanied with direct eye contact plus appropriate greeting of the day. After acquaintance, greeting now proceeds to be more personal where men can greet each other with hugs and handshakes while women can kiss each other on each side of the check starting with the right one. Titles includes honorific titles such as ‘Senhora or senhor’ together with the sir name. Any university degree holder is usually referred to with honorific title with ‘doutour’ or ‘douttooura’ which is the word for doctor, together with or without the surname. It is always wise to use formal case than informal until your friend suggest otherwise. The etiquette for giving gifts requires that if you are invited for a dinner please carry flowers with you and do not give thirteen flowers as the number is considered unlucky. Red flowers are not given as they are considered to be symbol of revolution. It is cultural to open gifts after they have been received. The majority of Portuguese are Christians belonging to Roman Catholic religion. But there are other groups such as Islam, Protestantism and Judaism. 4.0   Food habits and patterns Portugal is considered to be one of the southern European countries that have Mediterranean dietary habits. This is type of the diet is a good example of nutritional habits that have evolved in North Atlantic countries. The term Mediterranean diet is not necessarily associated with idea of geographical region as such. This is because for instance Portugal is not in Mediterranean coast and yet it has the most typical Mediterranean dietary tradition among the European nations. The main characteristics of Mediterranean diet   includes,   high consumption of fruits and vegetables, widespread consumption of fish, use of olive oil in the diet and   tradition deep-frying as   a method of   cooking. These characteristics are common in different varieties of Mediterranean diet based on the role and importance of nutritional groups they play especially in Mediterranean countries.   In this diet, high consumption of vegetable and fruits provide high fiber intake practically pectin which is a soluble fiber. Besides this, plenty of fruits and vegetables provide high contents of beta-carotene, folic acid and vitamin C. Portugal is considered to have high intake of vitamin C in the European countries and the most of it comes from raw food intake. Portuguese are known to be passionate about their cuisine which is reflected by their nutritious diet. One of striking features of Portuguese food habits is use of wine. Portuguese wine is classic for its taste and quality that make them to be the best wine producers in the world. Because the country is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean in the south and west, fish is the main component of their diet. Fishes like caldeirada, sardines and cod together with their recipes are the main constitutes of their menu. They also make use of pork, beef, chicken and lamb in their diet. Commonly, these meats are used as add ons with sandwiches. Portuguese are also very well known because of their pastry art. There is wide used of spices such as chillli peppers, cinnamon, vanilla and saffron. It is a Portuguese habit not often to eat breakfast; instead prefer just a coffee and perhaps a bread roll. Hot meals are always preferred even during the summers (, n.d). In Portugal there is diet transition from traditional food pattern characterized by high availability of principal carbohydrates to high consumption of protein foods. This shift in dietary pattern is prominent in urban areas which seem to be influenced by education level and urbanization. 4.1   Typical meals, frequency of dinning and food etiquette Portuguese breakfast is called pequeno-almaco in Portuguese language.   Their breakfast most of times consist of fresh bread, with butter, cheese or fruit preserves together with a strong coffee or milk.   Breakfast cereals and sweet pastries are very popular especially when eaten cold and mixed with milk, yoghurt and fruit. But more often they prefer a cup of coffee and at times a bread roll for breakfast. There are about four typical meals from meat namely: carne de porco a alentejane, leitao assado, bife de porcolde avaca, figa com arroz and feijaoada.Carne de porco a alentejane is a meal that is made up of pork with clams.Leitao assado is a type of meal that consists of roasted sucking pig while that of bife deporcolde avaca has pork or beef steak. Figado com arroz is a meal with liver and rice and for feijoada, it is a been stew with black pudding. There are various meals made of fish. Bacalhau which is a salted cod fish is very famous in the region. Also there are other popular   fish dishes such as lulas fritas which is a grilled squid,   bacalhau a bras being a cod with eggs   and potatoes , arroz de marisco, a seafood rice, pescada which is hake ,caldeirada , fish stew and lastly sardinhas assadas which is grilled sardines. Soups form part of every meal. The most popular of the soup is caldo verde which is a moderate thin potato puree and thinly chopped collard green and slice of pork sausage (chourico). In drinks, red, white and green wine forms the traditional Portuguese drink. Portuguese have three main meals in a day that is; breakfast, lunch and supper. However, in the course of the day there are numerous cups of black coffee that grace day’s work. They take breakfast early in the morning and have lunch around 1pm to 3pm. As a norm supper is eaten at around 8 pm. Everyone has to observe dinning etiquette. If one has been invited for diner he or she should not be late for more than fifteen minutes. But in a social gathering or in a party, this doesn’t apply. Dressing code is necessary. Portuguese have no much difference between business and social attire; nevertheless, one should not discus business matters in a social gathering. If by the time you turn up for an invitation you had not carried a flower, it is necessary to sent it the follow day to the hostess. Table manners are also formal in that once you get inside the dinning room you should remain standing until directed where to sit. Portuguese consider table manners to be Continental. You should hold the fork with left hand and knife with your right hand when eating. At no time should you start eating before you hear an expression from hostess saying ‘bom appettito’.   Never rest your elbow on the table. All foods must be eaten using the provided utensils including fruit and cheese. When eating always one should keep napkin to the left of the plate and never put it on the lap and after finishing eating at least leave some food in the plate. To show that you are through one should lay the knife and fork parallel on the plate, tines facing up with handles facing to the right. In Portugal, culturally there are no food taboos. However, for those who are Catholic religion affiliates they have some religious eating habits just like any other religious Catholic country (Schwabe, 1979) 4.2   Therapeutic uses of food and Home therapies Mediterranean diet consists of high intake of vegetable that helps to lower risk of colon cancer, hyperchoresterol and aids in management of diabetes. Also there is a liberal intake of vitamin C helps to boost immune system, increase dietary iron bioavaliabity and maintenance of endothelium membranes. Beta-carotene together with vitamin C acts as antioxidants that also reduce risks of cancer. Consumption of  Ã‚   vegetable oils particularly from olive oil provides in the diet Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) and Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acid (MUFA) which help to low risks associated with cardiovascular diseases. Wine have been suggested to have potential therapeutic effects due to the presence of   components such as flavonoids and other antioxidants responsible in   reducing risks associated with   heart diseases. Generally, alcohol has minimal therapeutic effects such as small increments of High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) as well as reduction in blood coagulation. However, it should be note that there is no scientific proof that intake of wine or alcohol can replace conventional measures in cardiovascular management (, 2008) The most common traditional used herbs in Portugal include fennel (Foeniciulum vulgare) mint (Mentha spicata), pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium), rosemary (Rosmarinus) and wild thyme (Thymus serppyllum). Mint has been used for a long time as herb in Portugal for its properties in treating stomach ache, chest problems and aiding digestion in form of herbal tea. Pennyroyal which a member of mint genus has been traditional used to treat flatulence, gum strengthener, a tumor remedy and a lung cleanser. Rosemary freash or dried leaves has been used frequently in traditional Mediterranean cuisine and as well as herb. It is traditionally used for management of respiratory problems such as colds and cough. Wild Thyme in Portugal has been generally used as herbal tea and also for seasoning food. Fennel is found in temperate regions in Europe and is a perennial herb. Portuguese for a long time have been using its seeds to relax intestine and manage bloating in form of herbal tea. 4.3   Portugal major holidays and dishes Portugal major holidays includes Liberty Day on every 25th of April, Labor Day on 1st May, Christmas Day on 25th, Epiphany on 6th January and New Year celebration. The major dishes during Christmas time are rice pudding (arroz doce) and salt cod (bacalhau) with olive oil potatoes, grains and cabbage. It is commonly accompanied by array of  Ã‚   rich desserts.   Also there are varieties of fried goodies offered as sweets, rabanadas which resembles French toast, rice pudding and sobremesas which are traditional Christmas pastries. Epiphany is a Christian feast day that celebrates revelation of God in human for in the person of Jesus Christ. Families gather to eat King   cake called ‘Bolo- Rie’ which is baked. During New Year celebration a similar but slightly unique cake that consists a candied fruit decorated goody is eaten. It contains two treaties; the prize and Feve bean. Whoever gets the latter is considered responsible to bring a cake next year. Apart from in these three holidays, no special meals are taken in other holidays such as Labor and Liberty day.   However, cod dish which can be prepared up to 365 different cooking ways is the national dish which can be found during these occasions. 5.0   Conclusion Portugal lies along the Atlantic coast of Iberian Pensula south west Europe with a long stretch of coastline. Their discoveries, trade and colonialization did made them to have enriched culture. Portuguese great explorations in the world were partly due to their long time developed sailing skill coupled with the need for accessing European markets and desire to make more conquests. Portuguese culture is conservative which is characterized with strong family ties, conformity to hierarchical relationship and strict etiquette and customs that are highly held with great care. Their food habits consist of Mediterranean dietary habits that exhibit high level of therapeutic effects particularly in management of cardiovascular diseases. The main characteristics of Mediterranean diet   includes,   high consumption of fruits and vegetables, widespread consumption of fish, use of olive oil in the diet and   tradition deep-frying as   a method of   cooking. Presently, shift in the diet pattern seem to be influenced by urbanization and level of education.